Vincent Morse | Master Artisan, Wrangler & Ray of Light

With over five decades’ experience in the shoe repair industry, it’s no wonder Mr. Morse was recruited by The Cobblers to oversee their burgeoning flagship operation. Vincent cut his teeth and paid dues learning to design and make shoes with the illustrious Drew Shoe Corporation during the Golden Era of shoemaking, when their factory was a prestigious Goodyear welt and fine leather footwear assembly plant in Lancaster, Ohio.


Interestingly enough, Mr. Morse recently earned an ABC board certification of pedorthics (C-PED) which means he can fill anyone’s footwear modification prescription on behalf of a pediatrist, to name just one of the many authorizations this affords. It is worth noting that despite his consummate knowledge of the trade, Vincent is extremely humble, even quietly calling on St. Crispin, the patron saint of Cobblers, to watch over him and his team for good measure.