Shipping and delivery
Submit a quote request
Submit a Quote Request online. Please include detailed photos and a description of what you would like done to your item. An expert in our network will provide service suggestions and a quote for your approval.
Match with the best artisan for the job
Once you approved the quote, our system will match you with the best artisan in our network, throughout the United States, to complete the work.
Ship your items
Items must shipped within 14 business days of placing the order. Any un-shipped items will be subject to cancellation.
Ship ONLY the item approved in the quote. Do not include any additional items in your package. Our system cannot accept any additional items in an order. You must submit a quote for all items separately. Submit additional quote
Track your order
Our self-serve platform allows you track your order every step of the way through My Account. Shipping labels, invoices, cancellations and more.
Chat directly with the artisan working your item via the Inbox . They can support with updated ETAs, service questions and provide photos of work.
The Word on the Street The Cobblers really lives up to the hype !
Frequently asked questions
Puzzled? Confused? Bewildered? It happens. If something has you stumped, have a gander at the answers below!

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