About RRxTC

As a leader in footwear restoration, The Cobblers recognized a seemingly insatiable demand from an explosive sneaker enthusiast culture and established The Cobblers Kicks, a premium sneaker care product line. We joined forces with the talented team at Raleigh Restoration to build an extensive offering that converges disciplines of innovation, quality, and effectiveness throughout our entire sneaker care line.
With an unprecedented mix of products and excellent customer service, The Cobblers Kicks is committed to keeping your kicks “fresh,” so you can rock them care-free. We’re here to satisfy the rapidly growing need for sneaker cleaning products and methods. Our offerings enable you to keep your sneakers in rotation for as long as possible, to extract the maximum value from them, as well as recover and regenerate their value at the end of their lifecycle. Don't be afraid to show off your grails
- The Cobblers Kicks got you!
With an unprecedented mix of products and excellent customer service, The Cobblers Kicks is committed to keeping your kicks “fresh,” so you can rock them care-free. We’re here to satisfy the rapidly growing need for sneaker cleaning products and methods. Our offerings enable you to keep your sneakers in rotation for as long as possible, to extract the maximum value from them, as well as recover and regenerate their value at the end of their lifecycle. Don't be afraid to show off your grails - The Cobblers Kicks got you!